Friday, October 28, 2011


dah 2 hari aku b.r.e.a.k ngan die .
kehilangan die bwat aku terasa sgt .
2 3 hari nie , aku asyik tgk2 phone menunggu msj or call dr die .
walaupown aku taw yg die ta kan call .
mcm2 yg b'main di kepale aku skang .
mgkin skang nie die ngah b'sedey sbb kehilangan due2 skali .
atau mgkin die rse b'salah sbb menipu due2 skali .
or maybe die ngah gembira sbb org yg die ta nak ngaku bf nie akhirnya pegi dr idop die .
ntah lar , kdg2 aku rse snyi sgt2 sbb kalaw ta , memanjang jer ade yg tman aku .
tp sjak die ta de nie .
aku rse lost giler .
kekdg 2 , aku sje jer bwat2 happy .
aku sje bahan mmbr2 , gelak kuat , bwat2 giler .
tp disebalik senyuman 2 .
ta sume taw yg aku ngah sedey .
mcm ta bole blah kan laki sedey2 sbb clash nie .
but that's the fact .
a man only cries when he lost something or someone that really means to his life .
hurm , bunge bukan sekuntum .
ayat standart org pkai bile kengkwn clash .
tp , pd aku .
the best phrases is .
jgn kita tgglkan org yg kita syg utk org yg kita suka ,
sbb org yg kita suka akan tgglkan kita utk org yg dia syg .
hurm , aku still berpgg dgn ayat 2 .
ta pe lar , ape pown .
yg pnting skang , die happy dgn org yg die syg .
itu pown dah ckop bwat aku happy .
hurm , GTG !
tata titi tutu !


  1. x pyh nk sedeyhhh sgt la kn cter nyer..hahahhahaahhaha..

  2. gile ta sedey , kaw igt aku tunggul ker ta de perasaan .

  3. that what i feel ayie..kalo aq bole,why not u kan ??

  4. okey meen , sure i can .
    like others said , there's not only one flower in the world .
    everything happen has been wrote .
    i just have 2 face it .
    either bitter or sweet .

  5. mybe she looking for the best .
    and and and and
    mybe yours girls the best than her !

  6. okey , thanx asma N meen .
    both of can be a dr. love .
    everytime has a word 2 support others .

  7. be strong ayie...
    insyaAllah satu hari nnt ko akn jmpe dgn seseorg yg lebih baik...

  8. : thanx ton .
    i'll try to find better than her .
    err , agak2 calon ustazah pilihan 2 nak ker hubby mcm aku ?
